Factorio: Space Age - Presskit

Press info

We are happy that you are interested in featuring the game on your channel / site. This page should help give you some details, information, and assets, that help you make the best content possible. Let us know if there is anything we can help you with.

Free preview / review keys

We are giving free game keys to Youtubers and Press to evaluate the game. If your channel/site has a significant following, then contact us by email for the preview copy.
While we do not make the exact requirements known, generally we will only consider active channels that have over 1,000 views on videos published in the last months.

For all press enquiries you can contact us at press@factorio.com.

Press Kit

We have prepared a single archive for download containing our logos and screenshots you may use for press purposes. You can download the Press Kit here.

General overview

Factorio: Space Age continues the player's journey after launching rockets into space.

Discover new worlds with unique challenges, exploit their novel resources for advanced technological gains, and manage your fleet of interplanetary space platforms.

  • Space Platforms - Your interplanetary logistics system.
  • 4 new planets to explore, each with new reward and challenges.
  • Elevated rails - To bring your trains to the next level.
  • Quality - Make high tiers of quality of all your items, machines and equipment.

Factorio: Space Age started development in 2021 and will release on October 21st 2024 at the price of $35.00.